
Looks like we all win here.

How soon before we see an iPhone 4 vs Incredible/Evo comparison chart?

So what? You can pretty much draw a triangle around any part of the Eastern US and you'll round a ton of ghost stories and monster legends. Any area that has a long history of dense human habitation is going to build that.

This is very cool, especially on a smartphone. It would be helpful if you can have it speak the phrases as well. #googletranslate

@alexp2_ad: ...but the market is saying "not that significant" and so the race to the bottom continues. #wolframalpha

For some reason, I read Caramel-izer.

‘Make sure the next one deals with modern-day issues'

Great article. I also like the idea that cities are sentient living beings.

I can't believe the people complaining about paying for this. Free is great, but Pandora is a business, not a charity. If $1 a month is really such a financial hardship for you, go back to FM radio.