Kelvin Walker

so many on this thread find it necessary to criticize the quality of these images... why?

yeah, these are drenched in tells... the aliasing is worse than bad, the shadows are shit, the wonky depth of field is a dead giveaway, I’m sure people here could go on and on about how terribly bad these are, self validating how discerning their critical eyes are.

diamonds too

“Fuck off you prick. Says Nintendo. You’re a failure and your comment is proof of that.” wow... That’s some serious anger issues and overkill.

Since Let’s Plays have the person talking over the game, your analogy would be watching videos of people going to clubs to heckle and comment while the comedian is mid-act. If more Let’s Plays were made in The Mystery Science 3K style, i.e. actually funny, then I’d watch. The ones I’ve sampled have had zero relevant

I think of it as the price of admission to a onetime live performance. That said, I won’t be attending.

I hope the people flaming this game never try to argue that games are art. This isn’t the first game designed to die. Curiosity-What’s Inside The Box comes to mind. The Flock is an example that games can be art... like the best art it foments philosophical discussion on it’s subject

The game as it was designed will be over. The servers won’t be necessary. Keeping servers active, allowing continued play, makes the games existence pointless. What’s also being ignored is the idea of free improvements and additional mechanics, like teams reviving players, effectively lowering the death counter and

Another way to look at it is the price of admission to live or large-group oriented entertainment, like competitive sports. It could be the ballet, the Imax opening of a new movie, a concert, a day at Disney or The Flock game. When the duration of the live entertainment ends... it ends... no going back. You can’t

Oh shit... thats pretty cool... thanks for the explain...

The entitlement generation? Who is that? The people who steal/pirate media online?

I’m still confused after watching the clip. A short write up, explaining the “famous 2006 move”, etc. would be good. It may be ‘famous’, but it was almost 10 years ago, some context would help.

those are beautiful... how cool and funny

Try Splatoon! Its mic free and fun. I don’t play online shooters because of people saying homophobic, sexist, racist stuff.

My thoughts exactly, after 25 years of experience in media. Now I work in science R&D and manufacturing. I wouldn’t, but if I did speak to our industry specific media/blogs/casts about executives opinions and comments, I would be fired.

Sounds like you worked in HR for numerous corporations.

“In the grand scheme of things what he did has no impact on the company.” Yes it does. He broke his contract. Now in response to his action, Nintendo is forced to show other Tree House employees the contract is serious, don’t test the envelope, you will be fired. This doesn’t make Nintendo evil or bad. I do feel sorry

I love this game! Is it possible the limited map choice was to concentrate the player base, facilitating the fast matchmaking? It could be a way of tapering content up to a smooth cross-playish NX launch title.

looks reminiscent of Qix and less ancient games... and totally fun

but they eat the even more nightmarish creepy crawlies