Where are the penis physics? Maybe floppy to hard?
Where are the penis physics? Maybe floppy to hard?
Never played Red Alert, but a great great example of a precedent, but not exactly fixing an exploit. A very timely example of removing an “easter egg” is from 20 years ago, SimCopter, a hidden statement about sexual representation. Warren Robinett’s “easter egg” statement, about representation as a programmer, was…
I wouldn’t be surprised if this “exploit and fix” was planned pre-release. I’m not being cynical, I just won’t underestimate the creativity of everyone involved with sailing the ship that is GTA.
Nintendo gets flack left, right, center and behind. You must be trolling
I loved the sailing in Wind Waker. The time spent gave me a deeper sense of exploration, coming across small islands in the vast expanse. My only criticisms are: no new game plus mode with randomized island locations, and the color camera (figurine creator) being introduced at the end, not the beginning of the game,…
who are you quoting?
The article is about how Zelda games are always delayed. Thats not defending Nintendo.
Just learned it's a P4 reference
AhhhhHHHAaaa... ok... I've read about and know its supposed to be great but didn't kno there was a gay char.... So many great games to play, I'm just now getting into Code Name S.T.E.A.M. (can't say yet if i lurv it)
don't be so sure. there are primitive games like this already. My fav is on 3DS, the built in game Face Raiders. Totally hilarious too... not robots breaking through the walls, but your friends wearing propeller-beanie motorcycle helmets breaking through walls... in 3D! Yes its primitive of course, but its AR…
I, myself, am a gay delinquent. I've never said it.
get bent? what does that even?
"Do you like flan?" she asked with petulant tone reserved for the groundskeepers childre. Two of whome were named Bilson, both identifiable by their way of walking one limpd. The 3rd? Well she waz a story untoward, even in her home, they knew she was another-another-town typo girl. ((AN— ShyZA, maybe the 3rd sis…
Looks reminiscent of Steel Diver on 3DS with a bit of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. Count me in!
ZombieU was very cool with the touchpad
"I don't like buying a system built around a gimmick like the touchpad controller if it's not even going to be used in any meaningful way." Like analog joysticks, force feedback and rumble... I totally understand... not to mention all those gimmicky iOS and Android games that require the touchpad
you can still have one to play the game on, its called purchasing
You didn't tell us as tory about 1974. SMELLL test you are not passing... to quote Gouda Yoga from Star Wars
Blocking all u h8ers an going to reed the gnu est of the wonder fuel "I AM IMMORTAL" (tee he tea he/she bomb-shell, am I right @glibly802 )
and the haters can go listen to Brat Spears and leave us all alone