
Renting is now more expensive than buying where I live. Me and the hubby are going be something we never wanted: homeowners. Blech.


Yeah, but heroin has never been more affordable.

Well, more than 6 million didn’t want either of them.

I love the fact that this dribble has little trouble making it through the deadspin censorship machine (i.e., “pending approval”), but whenever I post a substantive counterpoint with a conservative take, I never seem to make it past the “pending approval” Nazis. I don’t expect to see this reply actually get approved,

As a fellow liberal straight white man (with a beard, no less!) I’m so glad that THIS one has arrived to tell me I’m doing it all wrong. Finally!

I get it, it is super frustrating. I live in California and am a bleeding heart liberal. I am beyond upset at this election and absolutely despise the midwest at the moment. I also hate the feeling that a plurality of Americans were on the right side of history, yet our voices didn’t matter because we lived in the

If over 45% of registered voters in this Country didn’t vote when it was the safety of the entire world in the balance how can you expect them to come out for midterms? These people don’t deserve freedom.

“He won the vote”.....He won, but he didn’t win the vote. Saying “the American people spoke” in favor of Trump is patently untrue.

Yeah, punish them before you’ve even finished investigating!

Video or it didn’t happen.

Fucking Archie, dude was a dog, make a choice man!

Well get over it. I was a very serious Bernie supporter, but now there’s no choice in the matter. Trump cannot become president, and I’m not going to lose any sleep over voting for Hillary.

me too..If we end up with a President Trump it's the country’s own fault, we get the President we vote in & deserve! I'll see you all on the bread lines ...

A person I agree with about 75% of the time vs. a literal dumpster fire is nothing forced to me.

Between the unhinged asshole, the guy who thinks the veto will solve all our problems, the “doctor” who thinks wifi will give our kids cancer, and Hillary, it’s an easy choice.

No, it isn’t. Hillary is a marginally worse candidate than the Dems usually put forward. Trump is a walking pile of garbage. The choice is pretty fucking simple.

You may think a choice between strep throat and Stage IV pancreatic cancer feels shitty, but there’s still an easy, obvious objective choice for what is better.

Really? She’s worse than Dukakis? She’s worse than Kerry? She’s worse than her husband (who won twice)? No, she’s not. Never was and never will be. And, yeah, she’s better than Trump.