Kelvin Q. Nguyen

The Muppets DID become the basis of storytelling for a lot of different shows though. 30Rock is the closest we got to a modern age Muppet Show with Liz Lemon replacing Kermit, Jenna Maroney replaces Miss Piggy, and Kenneth replacing Scooter. This show got better but it was flawed from the start because it hopped on

I also want to mention something interesting while we're discussing all this. The reason why the Doctor was put to sleep in "Death in Heaven" was because he would've ran away at the thought of becoming a leader. We've seen the Doctor do amazing things in the New Who reboot, and we know he led the lines in some wars

Well I propose he can still visit Gallifrey before the Time War but that's considered illegal since it's most definitely his timeline he'd be infringing on. On Earth he can sort of do that whenever he wants, as long as he avoids himself (like how Hide took place in the 1970's, he could've visited UNIT and saw

Well the Time Lock was gone once Gallifrey was sent to the pocket dimension. The Time Lock was a poor bit of writing I always thought, compared to how it worked in the Stolen Earth, the whole entire idea of the Time Lock barely makes sense.

She's still gotta be totally preggers though, just saying. Orson Pink really isn't possible if she wasn't. If they brought Danny back at this point, it'd undermine his whole storyline they built up (for not a really lot of good reason).

The psychic link was opened through the conference call. While Jenny, Vastra, and Strax were forced to leave the call first, Clara and River were the last in the call and thus leaving River being the only person in the room who knows how the technology works (when she replaces the tea with wine). River kept the line

It's Doctor Who, sadly they do that all the damn time. I wish Doctor Who was a show that was willing to look back as much as it did move on. I don't watch a lot of Supernatural but from what I did watch, they brought minor characters back in S9 that haven't been seen since S1. I mean yea we got Cyber-Brig and

Welcome to the Moffat era, do you need to take a number?

Season 8 actually takes place in 2016. It's mentioned in "In The Forest of Night"

Is that a community reference I hear?

It's a big issue with the whole "THE BIG VILLAIN HAS TO BE SAVED FOR THE LAST EPISODE AND OVERARCHS THE WHOLE SEASON" thing a lot of shows do these days.

lol River's deader than dead and is from the 51st century let's not

Clara jumping into the Doctor's time stream is something that just sort of happened. The real reason the Master chose Clara is really complicated. The best reason is that Clara's the reason Gallifrey is still alive (50th anniversary), thus the reason the Master is still alive. That could've been anyone however.

8.10 - In the Forest of Night, Danny tells Clara to call him later and tell about all the lies.

I wasn't so offended but goddamn I was weirded out by Ted's look in the episode.

Not really, the special would've been nearly the same if Christopher Eccleston was in it, save for more bantering (the 9th Doctor is quite childish as well). Both Chris and David represent the Doctors that regret. Chris' Doctor seemed like the type who would be ready to wage war but he'd really bluff for about 20