
Did somebody say, “Killer body shots?!”

100%. That and the Evo wagon made me have a....ahem, my pants.

These posts never disappoint.

What is this?

When I saw Cameo in the feed this morning, I was like...

Now Hondas engines can’t even last through contract negotiations.

Don’t think we’re completely impervious. When it’s not just a bus but three pillocks running people down and going on a stabbing and killing spree, we may briskly leave the area.

I get why it’s a rule, but it’s always seemed wholly bizarre from a practical standpoint: It would be like if you were, I don’t know, James Harden, and you started shooting three pointers and leaping into people and they called a foul on the OTHER person...

Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.

Shit happens... it’s entirely possible that the bellypan looked perfectly ok, but the fiberglass was cracking around the mounts under the paint.

I don’t care about KD. I don’t care about Rihanna. Jeff Van Gundy, though? That man is a goddamn delight.

What are doing under the hood of a Kia sorrento in the first place? Sabotaging it I hope.

That’s too bad. If you’re going to drive up 101 to Monterey, make note of where King City is north of San Luis Obispo. Half the people in “traffic school” I attended to avoid points for speeding were nailed near King City (including me), huge speed trap and there is a spot where the speed limit drops from 70 to 55

Carmel to Big Sur & back is still a nice day trip, if you’re on the northern side. Also following 1 north of Santa Cruz, through San Francisco and over the Golden Gate Bridge then down past Muir Woods and north all the way to Mendocino is also spectacular, and less crowded. Though I’d get an early start or catch 1 a

It is a gorgeous road but it is absolutely terrible to drive during tourist season. It is packed with automatic transmission Mustang convertibles driving 10+ MPH under the speed limit and breaking for Every. Damned. Curve. It was an exercise in outright frustration and road rage when I drove it last fall to and from

Gotta say, I’m surprised. That’s a pretty good view from the nosebleed section.

Two deaths is a small price to pay for this dope-ass stance. I’ll be in the back seat with your mom. Sincerely, YouTube.

How Mustang trailers are made.

Last night summed up why he isn’t the MVP. He took almost half of his team’s shots as the PG, effectively freezing out his teammates, and then completely choked the game away in the last minute. In the last four games he has lost to Portland twice, Dallas and Phx. Lebron with Earl Boykins as his starting PG might lose