
Now, tell me again—was it this man with an 8-figure net worth who hit you, or his broke-on-paper friend?

I’m no MMA fan, but I love this asshole, too. He’s just living that “I am a Golden God” lifestyle!

I wish I was rich enough to be a showy asshole not just a regular poor asshole.

Yeah, he’d be mocked, because he called someone racist who didn’t do anything racist. That’s worthy of mockery.

This took place in Florida...that is all the extra info you need.

I guess you could say the Hawks did it the Hardaway.

Thanks for taking us on the journey.

Involuntary ballslaughter.

These idiots do realise F1 is global unlike the Super Bowl, the World Series, NASCRAP, and the NBA? All of which are American in appeal and fan base and have no teams from outside the US competing? F1 is and alway will be a head scratcher to most of the American public and lets keep it that way. To Americanize it, is


Tolerance and inclusion only when they agree.

He could have walked away. He was in zero danger.

I see what you did there...

I just hope they don’t monkey around with his rehab.

It looks like he fought...