
i mean yeah, most of the advice is actually pretty decent, i don’t know why they had to hide lessons like “appear confident” and “be fun” in misogynistic bullshit.

What Katy Perry tweets during national racial unrest. What if they loved black people as much as they loved black culture.

ya i thought they were doing it to make fun of her? like to mess up their lips on purpose because they think she looks ridiculous?

there was also something with salt and ice or something that would burn your skin to give you a tattoo looking scar... god high school was weird

she was honestly good in the sisterhood of the traveling pants movies! she played a boring character on gossip girl for six years or so but i want to believe she might actually have talent

I hate that I know this but he does this at all his concerts. even when it doesn’t make sense.

YES. your mother is RIGHT. dont understand the jake love on this board. the actor is hot but he managed to make an assassin boring... plus he killed james :(

i loved the first two episodes when liv was kidnapped but i am just about done with this B613 nonsense. like i get it, there would be nothing for huck and quinn to do without these random subplots, but id much rather stick to the silly political stuff. Bring back the Intrigue! Mellie’s Campaign! Sex in the Oval Office!

i get it, and i get that the effects are amplified because these are two white girls from texes, but at the same time, looking back at the shit my friends said growing up its hard for me to get too angry about.

me too it really only made me love him more tbh

knew someone who hung around with julian casablancas from the strokes back in 2000. she said they almost hooked up once but he was too drunk to get it up and passed out in her bed

threw up out a window on to pedestrians

i sent it to my little sister expecting the same response and got

all my best memories from college are from the library...

not sure how it works everywhere else, but i worked at a dive bar in college (often as the only bartender and waitress for the day) and my boss never, ever made up the amount. even when i would sit in the bar for hours with no customers.

out of curiosity, have you ever been a waitress?

fun fact! she dated quentin tarantino for a while

can jezebel start an open thread for empire? every week i find myself wishing i was watching with y'all

really wonderful actress though!

yep sounds like some victorian era bullshit to me. dictionary definition is "without refinement or delicacy" um duh this is america, bitch. we like turkey legs and hate aristocracy.