Kelly Wittenauer

or erect the biggest garage any one in Minn. has ever seen, but I’m sure they would have a problem with that too.

That the vast majority of houses are built with two car garages (only data to confirm this is the incredibly small number of houses with three car garages I found while house shopping), and there is an average of 3.14 kids per household (there is data to confirm this). Which means that on average, every house has

“did you pull a permit for that structure, it is up to building codes?” said the strict man from the city.

Pictured, the mayor of Minneapolis.

What problem does it actually solve to begin with?

so are there any positives to living in minnesota? between the massive amount of snow, being the united states “little Canada”, and now this seems like a pretty good reason to avoid it at all costs

I’d rather have a 6 speed than a 5 speed, gives you one more gear to wring out those ponies. 7 is too many.

After a day of driving in gridlock.

That Aston one is adorable.

See now I dig these way more. I think the thing that threw me on that Miata-stang was that it still had the 90's Miata interior, which combined with the 60's body styling was jarringly out of place.

I’ve never understood the purpose of grid girls any way, so I support this move.

I’ve covered all of that in this post and the one your reference. This isn’t “mis-information,” this is science, and these are facts.

I think you are forgetting the fuel the power plants use comes from somewhere. And the transmission line loss. EV’s aren’t the answer.

They both come from somewhere, so you should account for that in the overall CO2 calculation.

Well, 21 at the time, but same difference.