Kelly Tankie Garner

You ar far and away in my top five new(new to me for prob 9 mos)writers.

It's that for some, many even and I guess the fear of losing that power/privilege you don't know you have, but you do inherently, is the same thing. So yeah, pretty much.

Bernie marched and was arrested for Civil Rights, He publicly endorsed and campaigned for Jessie Jackson. When the two women protested his event, he gave them the floor. Have your opinions but don't flat out lie!!

I'm getting too coment-y but I will say, Bernie has a strong history of fighting racial inequality. Here's something that doesn't get mentioned much, not sure why..…

There are 465 seats up for grabs. This comment always makes me think the one making it assumes a Republican Congress is a permanent state.

Some of. They are the same people who populate all comment sections. The militant are militant no matter what their issue is. The offended are the offended, preachy….etc..

Care to support?

* sad face emoticon

Oh… didn't see the article this spawned from…did you?

Of Ben Carson?

Naw. He a Carlton Banks kind of brother. If Alex P. Keaton were black..

Def my new fav site

Nods knowingly

But just go with Spa…kay?

When their ratings slip they'll be back. Sadly there are way more stupid people who watch crap.

Loving you