The Fisherman's Wife

I wondered when someone was going to finally bring up Mr Green. He has the best line in the entire movie (with the possible exception of Madeline Kahn's "flames flames" monologue) - which @Spuddie already mentioned here: "I'm going to go home and sleep with my wife!"

I foolishly went to Twitter to check on this story and I immediately regretted it. I thought "Ohmigosh, these people are awful! I feel so icky!" Then I came to check out the A.V. Club's take, and the glorious chorus of comments here has reminded me that good, smart people are still out there. Thanks, y'all, for

Lindsay has become an increasingly two-dimensional character, which causes me some concern, but she has had some of the best zingers this season. Her comment to Gretchen "You mean like time travel?" was one of her best. It's up there with:

Thanks. I was also wondering if maybe this wasn't also some foreshadowing. Gretchen did make reference during the scene when they are bonking in the graveyard about Jimmy pulling out in case his dad's soul was looking for a new host. Which made me wonder about their birth control decisions. Writers room planting seeds.

For a second there I thought we were gonna lose the best character on this show. Todd Robert Anderson is absolute magic as Vernon.

I am normally just an interloper here on the comments page, but I watched this episode last night and cannot get over how good it was, how heartbreaking Aya Cash is and how much I agree with this review. I thought the first season was close to perfect but these last 3 episodes may be among the best episodes since it