
I read this one - But I completely misunderstood your comment and thought you were referring to the entirety of the march.

This whole post makes a huge difference in the way I view that NYTimes article.

I agree that this is a problem - but do you know who organized this March?

I totally agree on all points.

No - I actually complemented a Trump voter on this comment chain *pats self on back* - I honestly just don’t understand your comment but I also don’t remember my original point.

So you don’t think it’s pathetic?

I’m so excited that I got to witness this Historic Life Moment

Whatever people say - I enjoyed each and every one of your replies. I even got some memes for the Meme Bank.

I don’t understand your point even though you wrote a paragraph.

I’m a Hillary supporter but I actually appreciate you making an effort instead of resorting to calling people crying liberal snowflakes (well, you kind of made an effort).

Woah - Don’t you bring sense to a gun fight.

I’m pretty sure they’re only legally allowed to pick from so many responses as a Trump voter.

I haven’t seen one Trump supporter in this comment thread that is making an argument about why what Trump is doing is good. But I have seen “Special Snowflake”, “cry baby”,

Oh please - We all see you picking and choosing which comments to respond to. The insults that take no effort. Like make an actual statement about what Trump is doing in this article - really - defend it. Beyond, “He said he would.”

I know it takes thought and time- but you’re just proving what people think about

“What he says in private doesn’t mean anything”


Says the group that complained for the last 8 years with sayings like“Not My President” and acted like the sky was falling.

Ah thank god you have a sniveling, thin-skinned baby that will tweet incoherent responses at celebrities for you. #SilentMajorityBecauseIDontUnderstandHowAnythingWorks

UGH I don’t know what this thread is about, but that David Tennant and his Scottish accent.


Ooooo interesting. I go regularly between DC, Pittsburgh, Philly and Reagan, and they all have police on the reg.

I wish I grew up in a place where steel drum music celebrated the little life accomplishments.

Don’t TSA guards/police in baggage claim have guns?

Damnit, I just formulated Trump’s response, “This would have never happened if we just gave everyone guns.”