No statement from Rachel Ray yet tho? Suspicious.
She’s over you, Doctor Nick. You’re never going to get back together.
you are unfit for the internet get out
So are we supposed to LIKE the Bland Snakes or something? Them cheesy facial expressions and them cheesy lines...did the producers not listen at all last season? Also, child killing and now kinslaying, hooo yah that’s exactly what Oberyn would have wanted his mistress and daughters to be! Blech.
This is what has happened in the books as well- but I think there’s a wider purpose. Martin has said that he always intended to reunite characters after drawing them apart to allow them to grow individually.
“to reduce the risk of potentially catastrophic personal and professional consequences that could befall them and their families.”
This is the first Eddie match I’ve watched since he died (too many feelings) and I choose correctly, thanks guys! But, christ, if we can ignore the terribly misogynistic announcing (not JUST by Jerry Lawler, I hear you good ol’ JR), this was a fucking highlight of my childhood where I knew as a (pretty ugly little…
What was DDD girl thinking? I’m a DD and know that one boob wouldn’t even fit in that thing.
Only to Coachella
She’s pulling off that choreo tho. Question. Why do white women doing hip hop or any other black pioneered art form always, go for like black female back ups. Like one they always upstage you. and two what makes you think, in the history of humanity, that black women would co sign you? Where do you get this fever…
The cheapest Coachella pass this year is $629, so...
Unsurprised. Glad (in fact, this fact will buoy me through the weekend), but not surprised in the least.
miaow miaow family values miaow maverick miaow.
When there a tons of dark-skinned actresses who are much more talented than Saldana, it makes you wonder why they picked someone who looks nothing like Nina to portray her. And the makeup looks like shit.
If, as Johnson says, we shouldn’t judge a performance on physical likeness, then why couldn’t Saldana have embodied Nina Simone without the cartoonish makeup?