
Still important to highlight it in the face of the specific instances of cruelty that it causes.

It’s amazing that they’ve got any movies made considering how convoluted the character rights issue has become.

Maybe. But I’m on Swift’s side. I know she’s a vanilla white girl we all roll our eyes over, but she’s one of many women who have to put up with this shit from men looking for cheap plugs.

I’m super not getting what insufferable thing Taylor Swift did here.

Some one else pointed that out to me. I’ve always been a DC person. Lol. Not on some ridiculous principle, but I’ve never seen any Marvel movie cause . . . I’m sure they’re good, but I just feel indifferent, I guess. Like, I just can’t be bothered to watch an Iron Man or Avengers movie. I saw the trailer for Deadpool

...Then why not just make a more appropriate title and a cleaner, more focused article discussing that instead of starting with snarky actor preferences then Shyamalan midway into a race issue?

At the risk of being really pedantic, the “Marvel Universe” series comprises the films that Disney/Marvel makes: Iron Man, Avengers, Ant Man, Captain America, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy. Back before Disney purchased Marvel, Marvel sold the rights to certain properties to other studios. Fox Studios owns X-Men,

This movie is a literal celebration of a character that has minimum exposure on TV, and is loved by so many on the internet. This is a triumph for nerdom, coincidentally Reynolds fits the character well.

Well, this 36 yo gal loves the comic and looking forward to seeing it, despite the train wreck RR made of the Green Lantern. That was just painful to watch.

Coming from the person who has now been caught repeatedly simply overlooking any inconvenient facts that don’t fit her narrative, that’s rather a non-argument. When you attack someone for something, it’s more likely that you haven’t looked closely enough and not applied due diligence than that they’re actually guilty.

Damn, that movie was gold. Never made me think that Ryan was one of the best actor of the era, but I can’t say he is a bad actor also (which is the case of a lot of actors). He did a good job.

The Deadpool character, though, is a snarky asshole who routinely breaks the fourth wall. That’s why I say that Reynolds was born to play him.

Nobody missed the point, because you haven’t presented any salient points other than a general nihilism about Hollywood and how movies get made.

Your point was poorly made. HTH.

This movie looks amazing. I’m going to see it with a bunch of girlfriends next weekend, I’m excited!

Yes, absolutely. He helped make the movie happen.

I mean ~80% on Rotten Tomatoes, so pretty close to the other superhero movies in terms of critic ratings. Fans are gonna turn out in droves, too.

You haven't met Kara Brown

If you don’t like him or his movies why not write an article about something you do like? Fans aren’t going to care and those that hate him aren’t going to see it anyway. Either you like him or you don’t.

I’ve been looking forward to this movie for ages. Cannot wait!