
I don’t. For a narcissist, losing is a fate worse than death.

Based on his diet, five bucks says it is gallstones. I mean, he is also full of bile to the point it has turned his skin orange.

This is the beginning of the huge smokescreen under which he will resign for “health reasons”. And by “resign” I mean “chicken out so as not to be impeached”.

Wow, so much hate for something we GenX’ers grew up with through after-school and sick day reruns! I watched all the preview videos on the web site and am looking forward to this. It’s pretty much the only thing that would get me to watch HGTV.

I don’t think that’s the plan, but 3rd baby? It could sure happen! I’m preggo with my third and I keep a tarp in the trunk of my car.

This is a great idea. She should totally do that.

That’s the best role to have in a royal family. All the privilege, almost no obligations.

I’ll take George and Charlotte over Stormi, True, Reign and all those other stupid names.

If you can’t handle a bit of snark and adult humor, perhaps you are getting your news from the wrong website?