Kelly O

Hey, maybe THAT'S the point of the musical montage. You can't hear the motorcycles if they're playing a badly-performed cover at the same time!

You know what would be really shocking at this point?

See, I'm wondering what exactly is simmering back there in Nero's brain. I don't think he's the kind of cardigan-wearing "I'm too old for this sh*t" wants to be ex-gangster who would just mindlessly go along with things.

Yeah, I did too until they showed the teasers for next week. Juice but no Gemma. So I'm curious where they're going.

Totally agree with the Sith vibe from Zaheer. Use the Force (bending) to what you think is the betterment of the world, whether the world tends to agree with that or not.

I don't know if she'll be Azula crazy, but she's got to matter/mean something. There's really no such thing as a throwaway line in the Avatar-verse.