Kelly O

I loved how she got progressively thinner every single episode. That wasn't my favorite season as a whole (the middle really did lag and I normally don't climb on that particular bus) but it had its moments.

This is the sort of hard-hitting commentary that keeps me coming back to the A.V. Club.

Marshmallow says "no".

I did not understand that. They only shimmer in sunlight when it's NOT a wedding? Or do the VFX people just say "screw it" and go watch Interview with the Vampire again?

E.T. Meets Abbott and Costello?

And one of them was on some Sprout CGI show about fairies and unicorns and whatever. Talk about being weird; realizing the "bad pussay" was Mia in "Mia and Me."

What the show has not established is that Dorne is ruled by the firstborn child, not necessarily the son. So if Doran is dead, his heir is dead, then it would fall to his brother's oldest child - Obara is an adult at this point, but could probably ask her mother (in this version at least) to be regent for her.

When you set up the chaos, you can better prepare for it. I think Littlefinger's show decision to marry Sansa to Ramsey is interesting because he appears to make a miscue in his judgment. A minor one to him perhaps, but still, he's lost his grip on Sansa for the moment and I'm sure that will not sit well with him. It

For me, it's the complete disregard for the motivation behind all this. The Sand Snakes wanted vengeance for their father. Ellaria knew that more blood wouldn't bring him back, and feared for her younger daughters' safety, and supported Doran in the long game. I can't recall if we know whether she knew about Quentyn

This is my whole problem with Dorne. They HAD badasses. Lots of them. All looked different, all had different methods of doing what they do best. It reinforced Oberyn's wide swath of *ahem* experiences, and provided lots of room for misdirection. Add in Arianne, even minus the whole Queenmaker bit, and it would have

I was reasonably sure aliens had already destroyed Pittsburgh.

Hey now, he went on that Thanksgiving cruise with his mom.

To Kill a Zombie Mockingbird

This made me laugh harder than it should have.

Whatever ambitions Robert Kardashian truly had for his kids, they never really stood a chance with Kris Jenner/Kardashian - that woman seems like a human bulldozer, knocking over anything that doesn't get out of her way. And I don't mean that in any admirable way at all.

I can't believe I'm not the only one who remembers Briscoe County, Jr.

I literally laughed out loud, and had to pause and go back to hear what happened after that.

Thank god I am not the only one with an irrational fear about the garbage disposal.

I have a sometimes seemingly possessed human child and she won't eat it if it's not a blue box that says "Kraft Mac and Cheese" on it.

No, next week Penguin puts on all Nygma's clothes and says "Could I BE wearing any more clothes?" and then does lunges.