Girl what are you talking about?
Girl what are you talking about?
Do we really need another Cleopatra movie?
¿Por què no los dos?
“Sit down next to me and take your talking to”?
And totally shadows the weird joke about pride month. The ending was funny, but you could hear the crowd recoil when he said the part about enslavement.
Lol right? Carrie was such an idiot. I remember there being an entire episode being centered around her having a meltdown because she farted in front of Big and thinking “...this woman is in her 30s and she’s having a crisis because she tooted in bed with her boyfriend? Really?”
Mr. Big was a total douche-canoe. Mr. Big is an entirely too stupid nickname that no woman would ever give the man she’s dating. Aiden was nicer, and wayyyy hotter. The fuck.
There’s always a possibility for his superhuman patience to be recognized in the next admin!
When Brooke Shields told him to go back to fighting aliens after he criticized her for seeking treatment for her post partum depression will never not give me a chuckle.
anyone who organizes books by color is not a reader
Anyone else have a visceral reaction (of annoyance) to books being organized by color? I feel like I’ve been such a bitch about it on Twitter, that even Room Rater started taking up my cause (after posting about it on Room Rater incessantly). Why no, I don’t have a life and zero control over how people organize their…
The second one was terrible?? The first one was legitimately one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, and they fully lost me at that point. I can’t imagine how much worse the second one was! Yikes!
I think it was even primarily created and written by a man/men even though it was based on a book by a woman which also pisses me off and I feel like that’s why it always seemed like (to me) a man’s idea of what women do together. Also, I loved Chris Noth on Law & Order and I remember thinking his character was a…
Tom really will do anything to find Xenu.
I’m with KC in that I don’t want anything else Sex & The City. That second movie was terrible. Less believable and entertaining than a season of Real Housewives. I can also understand why she doesn’t want to retread the same ground. Despite the name of the series, the writers (and maybe fans?) want happy endings and…
I hate watched Sex and the City as a teenager. The women seemed immature and self-sabatoging. I don't understand why it was such a phenomenon or relate to any of the characters. Maybe I'm just a jerk who hates things. Idk.
Only someone dumb enough like Stassi Schroeder takes an interview with Tamron THEE Hall and expect it to be an easy interview, where you get to gaslight and snow everyone for your benefit.
“Everything is on Google, so I encourage you to Google it (, bitch).”
I find it entirely mystifying that there are people who feel that Kim Cattrall somehow owes them a third movie. She’s moved on, why can’t they?