You are absolutely a parasite, and are a potential danger to your community. You should be ashamed of yourself not only because of your horrible behaviour, but because you have such a poor grasp on science.
You are absolutely a parasite, and are a potential danger to your community. You should be ashamed of yourself not only because of your horrible behaviour, but because you have such a poor grasp on science.
It's sooo materialistic and just.. not a reflection of my values. I couldn't agree more. Crass is the perfect word for it.
Ehhhh, in some circles maybe, but I do not agree that there is a cultural expectation to show off. I agree with Myrna in that I see it as crass worship of commercial things. I was taught NOT to do such things.
Ok, this might be incredibly naive of me, so please set me straight if I am incorrect. I'm currently gestating a child and will most likely do a lot of attachment parenting style things, like baby wearing. Sounds good for baby (if he cooperates) and good for me; having my hands free a whole lot more than I would with…
As someone who lost twins to infant death and was subsequently CRAZY to get pregnant again, I can tell you that I looked at the cold, hard science on that one and you are 100% wrong. In fact, the only thing more stressful than not getting pregnant when you really really want to is having other people tell you that…
Maybe this is an Irish-American thing? Because I (an American who grew up with Spaniard immigrant relatives and is pretty kissy and touchy) am married to an actual Irishman and now live in Ireland and interact with his massive family on a daily basis, and we ALWAYS kiss hello and goodbye on the cheek and hug and such.…
Just an aside, but perhaps you mean Gaeilge and not Gaelic? Gaelic is Scottish. Gaeilge is Irish. Source: Wikipedia, living and working in Ireland, sending my children to an all-Irish speaking school, married to a real life Irishman.
The UK is definitely not classier than the US! With a mostly chavvy populous, some "posh", and not much in between, the UK is not nearly so classy as Americans seem to believe.
As a pregnant American who lives in Ireland and is emigrating this year to the states, I'll chime in to say that though I am a born and bred American, my child will not just inherit American citizenship. He WILL inherit Irish citizenship because his father is Irish, but I have to pay $112 and file some hefty paperwork…
Still you.
Oh god, I LOL'd! Very nice.
You should see the type they have here in Ireland! WAY sweeter, more unhealthy, yet somehow less flavorful than the worst of American-style! :( It's repulsive, and it used to be one of my favorite styles of food before moving here.
No problem! Fish frys are usually a Friday or Saturday night thing with bonfire, music, food.. it's just a fun beach party, basically.
Eh, if they already make fun of her for moscato, I don't think she'll be able to show off with chocolate wine. It's considered pretty declasse by wine snobs.
In a former life, I worked asa travel writer and one of my assignments took me to the Bahamas. Take a cab somewhere (even if you've arranged other transport) and ask the cabbie where he goes after work, favorite out of the way places that aren't so touristy. And ask EVERYONE you can about a native fish fry. Tell them…
Ah, congratulations! I'm having the same issues currently at 27+5! :)
Yes, agreed with both comments! Why this is a story I don't understand. Does Jez sneak paid advertorials into their content? Because this feels like one.
Actually, implantation is not something that happens in one swift movement. It happens in 7 days, which is bang on for your timelines.
I highly recommend switching from Clearblue to Wondfo. You can order them on Amazon for a third of the price and they're more accurate! Here's a combo pack of 40 ovulation predictor strips and 10 pregnancy tests all for just $14!…
Yes, yes! I love FAM! It got me knocked up again when nothing else would after the death of my premature twins and when my hormones had my cycle all over the place. All I could think about was getting pregnant again. Two months of this method (one to get the kinks out, and one to do properly, really) and I was…