Kelly Bishop

Love this suggestion and appreciate your feedback – will be sure to share this with the rest of the team

Sounds like an exciting dictionary

If only it were that easy :)

You are 100% correct that Kinja was built for blogs but it's evolving and we hope to address a few of your concerns in coming iterations

This is the great comment debate! There are strong advocates in both camps. I personally, am still undecided because I can understand both sides

We're here for you! While we can't fix everything, we do care about this site just as much as this community does and we'll do what we can

Hey, let's give Kinja a chance. We're porting over the comments because we care and would hate for you to have to start totally fresh on a new commenting tool. Your past comments are our gift to you

I can feel your sadness through your avatar! Know that this is something we're very aware of. Everything isn't going to be perfect at launch but we're going to continuing working on our platform and that is much easier for our product team to do when we're on one single platform

Wish it were that simple :)

I see. To us, Kinja is both the underlying CMS and the commenting system so I was under the impression you found the sites difficult to navigate.

We're working towards the notable differences but give us some time. We have ideas and the base tech is almost in place!

I'm an optimist

There will be cross-promotion, which we currently do with the other two sites in the Onion, Inc. network. New friends are a good thing!

We agree! There are ways we could improve content discovery on The A.V. Club as well. But, I digress. Kinja! For starters, we have introduced the same content hierarchy on Kinja to allow readers to dig into more of their favorite columns.

Answer appended to the article above, along with a few other reoccurring questions:

I hope to see you all in good health on Kinja!

Post-migration The A.V. Club will have the core features that make this site unique and the functionality within the Kinja CMS to allow writers to maintain their current workflow. Yes The A.V. Club will be joining the Kinja network and once our product team can collaborate and build off the same platform we can take

See the reoccurring questions that were answered and appended to the article:

Our product team also loves The A.V. Club's reviews so we made sure they could not only exist on Kinja but be easily discoverable.

Have no fear – The A.V. Club staff has no intentions of changing the way they interact with their commenting community