
If you can't download it for free, you listen to it for free on Spotify, Grooveshark, the Artist's website, etc. In that case you still aren't buying it. Now of course through Spotify the artist gets a cut (or at least the publisher/recording company does).

I believe Ice Cubes gum has the most xylitol per piece (at last of the gums you can find locally). Unfortunately, in order to get a therapeutic dose of xylitol you have to chew about 7 pieces a day (7 grams), and that much xylitol gives most people GI upset - aka The Runs. But, like they say, out with the bad, in with

It's a good plan, but it doesn't work for everything. My loans for dental school are about $50k a year. After 4 years of school, I'm looking at a minimum of 200k (not including any undergrad). I can guarantee I won't make 200k my first year out. And I'm at a state school, which is significantly cheaper than a private

Come on, Apple makes plenty off the iPad hardware. Did we forget about this?

My 1 1/2 year old plays with my iPad all the time. Its amazing how a kid less than two years old can turn it on, unlock it, find his folder of games, and play. I've tried to teach him to use the computer, but he doesn't get the whole mouse input thing. He just tries to climb on the desk and touch the computer.

Agreed. Especially the higher capacity devices. $200 upgrade from 16GB to 64GB? Last time I checked that upgrade should be about $20.

Not to mention the ecosystem lock-in. If I have an iPhone, I want an iPad because it syncs up so well and all my apps still work. If I have an iPod Touch or any Mac, its the same deal. Personally I would love a big beautiful 4.5" screen phone, but they all run Android and I just can't bring myself to do it when

I disagree. Well, not entirely. Torrents are much better if I am downloading something fairly large, but for a single album I find it quicker to just google "*name of album* megaupload" and grab a direct link. But yeah, there is no way I am dealing with multiple .rar files for a single item or any of that crap.

the only deal I was interested in was $199 XBOX 360 w Kinect at Wallmart. I wasn't about to go to WalMart, so I checked Bestbuy at about 10am. Pretty mild, but the same package was $299. Luckily Amazon had the $199 deal, tax free with Prime shipping. Can't beat Amazon.

Apple needs to fix a few other app store annoyances before they tackle this. Like 1) infinite scrolling on the iPad. Wy do I have to browse apps 25 at a time? It is annoying as hell. And 2) queue-ing of apps. I will even settle for just not closing the AppStore every time I hit Install. I will close the AppStore when

While this may break everything, the problem is with the hack, not the power of the iPad 1. The gestures were working beautifully during the iOS5 betas. They just took away the option on the official release.

This is more similar to big name films using GoPro cameras for more angles and in shot where they don't want their expensive equipment damaged. But really an iPhone doesn't fit into that same category.

happens all the time on iOS Safari as well. Sometimes reloading the page helps, but a lot of the time the videos just don't load.

My dad passed away this year, and it was lucky that I knew most of his passwords. He was a software developer/consultant, so he had numerous computers that I had to search for any personal files before handing them over to the guy who bought the business. I also had to log in to a lot of his online services (logmein,

I WISH Apple would make the iPhone at least 4", but that will (most likely) never happen. And I'm sure it has nothing to do with reaching across the screen with your thumb. Maybe that was a factor when the iPhone was first developed, but it certainly isn't reason enough to stick to 3.5" forever.

Agreed. The guest account will erase complete at each logout and they won't be able to access your files. Really, most people ripping off laptops are just like the guy in this story. Just some idiot kid who wants a new laptop or wants to sell it off for a quick buck.

You can set a firmware password, which makes it impossible to boot from a disc (without the password). I would be willing to bet that the type of guy that rips off your laptop isn't educated enough to boot it in Open Firmware and use terminal commands to reinstall the OS. Chances are if they did try a reinstall they

It will probably be used as a film set as well (or once they give up on the research thing and need to make some money back). A lot of movies are filmed in New Mexico due to the tax write-offs and what not.

jokes on you, we all have iPads already.