
You have a great point. But in my experience, and with many people I know, multiple iOS devices in the same house means many devices syncing to the same computer, and under the same account. Obviously this strategy will need to be reconsidered.

just bought one online from HP for $90!

I bought one. And why not? $90 bucks for a tablet device that I can play around with, the 2 year old can watch videos and play games on, and I don't have to care if it gets beat up. Even those crappy kids toy tablets cost more than $100. Even if this thing gets mounted on my refrigerator as a photo frame and recipe

Have the added the ability to delete photos from the photofeed yet? For me, that feature will remain off until they do.

Let me know if this is going to happen, and I'll go buy one right now.

I'll agree with you there. I can't wait for Google Fiber to start rolling out in KC in 2012. I just hope my neighborhood will be supported early in development. And really, as long as it is not absurdly expensive, I am willing to pay a premium for a consistent 1 GBPS connection and the opportunity to leave AT&T/Time

The problem we are starting to run into in Kansas City is that copper thieves are pulling up every wire they can find. They don't realize that a lot of those wires are actually fiber optic, and have no copper content or resale value.

If I find this in my dental chair Im going to polish it off. But I doubt it will catch on. Americans are too vain and want perfectly unnatural bleach white teeth.

I agree. Instagram lives on the iPhone, it should be for photos taken with the iPhone.

absolutely. With AirPlay these would cost at least $299 or up, and there is probably a better set of speakers at that price . Personally I like the idea of AirPlay enabled speaker sets, but they are all too damn expensive. I don't like having to choose between great sound quality or wireless audio.

Agreed. Im in KC Missouri where the current temp is 92, with 45% humidity, at 8pm. The Weather Channel says it "feels like 104°". Tomorrow the high is 105, with 50% humidity. Every time I jump in my car it says it is 120 or higher. My AC is set to 68 all day long, and the top floor is still barely pushing 75. To me it

Right. The "99.9%" argument doesn't hold. The fact is that the "99%" they speak of are those that have not quite moved on to a more "cloud" based lifestyle. Most people own/store all their own music, video, etc, while only a small percentage of us are using online video, music and storage all day long, every day. The

Enter hacksaw, not 10 in circular saw.

I guess invasion of privacy is never good, but it doesn't bother me much if they want to listen to my voicemails. God knows I never do.

I, for one, will be going Streaming + torrents. If there is something I really want to watch, I want full HD. If I'm just killing time, the streaming is enough for me. Plus, if you have kids the cartoons and sesame street on instant watch are a godsend.

They have been fine for me, but you can use BetterTouchTool (or a handful of other applications) to remap all your gestures however you want them. What I really dislike about Lion right now is the new file support. There is no "save" or "save as" in Preview, but when you "save a version" it magically saves it

If you are an avid Spaces user, here is a useful Lion tip: to assign an application to a specific space, right click on the application's icon in the dock, as it is now under the options listed there. After installing the Lion preview it took me forever to figure out how to get my stuff to open where I wanted it. The

Could be, but the current spring iPad refresh time doesn't seem to flow very well. An iPad is a perfect holiday gift (for the right budget). Having spring refreshes kills the holiday market, because every one knows a better one will come 2-3 months after christmas. I could see them spitting out a new iPad this fall,

The biggest difference is that Apple stores 1 copy of the song which is licensed to every idevice user that "owns" that song, instead of forcing each user to upload a copy of the song individually. With Amazon, Google, and Dropbox (etc) you currently have to upload your music, meaning they are storing multiple

Hah. Exactly. If anyone wants to peruse my ppt handouts from class, feel free. I don't really understand why people get so concerned. Do they really have such sensitive material to worry about? And if so, why do they keep it online anyway?