
@MikeK: I had this same problem with the Evo 4G. The 8mp camera takes beautiful pictures in ideal lighting, but any less and the pictures are extremely noisy. And good luck with the flash. Two LED flashes is about 1 1/2 too much.

iPhone 4 records HD!

This should be titled: "The Dangers of being on the Streets of Chicago in the Middle of the Night"

glad I pre-ordered at Best Buy

@Signore Pinko-Panko!: Agreed. The concept is so great, but the software will probably suck, or it will be too laggy to be functional. Im disappointed just thinking about it.

I want to be able to take handwritten notes and draw directly on my class handouts/powerpoints. I would trade in my macbook pro for a tablet in a second, if it actually runs a real operating system and is as open as my laptop. A 10 inch ipod tablet is absolutely pointless.

@xdanimalx: Firefox is too slow on my mac. Safari, although less features, loads much faster.

i still dont see how this is supposed to help. ok, so they can continue to make their cars and SUVs and trucks, AND WE WILL CONTINUE TO NOT BUY THEM!