
True, comedians are constantly whining about how tough it is to be funny in a “PC” world but they also overreact to any critiques of themselves or friends of there’s

Seems weird to be searching twitter for SNL constantly and dragging a random dude for mild criticism. Maybe try meditation?

Che is such an insecure little baby. Comedians love to play tough guys who tell it like it is but always lose it at the smallest amount of criticism.

Royals ain’t shit, nor any rich people. They’re not better or smarter, nor are they more interesting. They’re not magic. They don’t have special knowledge or powers. But royals are a good distraction from the exploitation that most people receive.

When you make British aristocrats the good guys, you’ve really gone too far.

Lets compromise and eat all the royals.

That segway chair looks strikingly similar to the chairs in Wall-e, but with wheels.

Your tax dollars at work. Maybe the CBC’s time has passed?

The Canadian Masked Singer!

Shit, i just assumed it was jezebel, i didn’t even look at the title bar.

The fuck does this have to do with anything else on Gizmodo?

To be fair, they pack a lot of commercials into those three hours.

Is Hannah thirsty? Or did the producers set up this arc to make this season interesting? 

'What's so new about what you're saying?

To be honest, anything a Baby Boomer says to me is automatically suspect. You idiots spent 50 fucking years sucking off the system and giving nothing back. You've left us all with a hollowed out infrastructure and a flattened financial system. So thanks for that. Don't worry, though. Your kids will clean up your mess

THANK you! That was my thought on the subject. "HELP! I've racked up a zillion dollars in loads so I could take six years to finally get my bachelors in communications!"

Precisely. Where do people get off saying they should have their student loans "forgiven". What you are saying with that is that you should have a free education and be free of the responsibility for the decisions you made.

…and we all paid our fucking student loan bills, quietly without bitching (too much) about it.

Boomers caused both bubbles. They are the ones controlling the money supply and the interest rates and they are the ones that decided that investments should be made into various industries. And they are the ones that will soon retire and have the power to suck this country dry.

The soldiers who went to war in the Middle East from 1992-2008 absolutely were Gen Xers. Only in the last two years or so have any Millennials been old enough. (Going with the 1990+ birth range; definitions vary, but that's the one I've always used.)