I watched the whole thing and I want to burn the rain forest and nuke the whales now.
I watched the whole thing and I want to burn the rain forest and nuke the whales now.
The problem is that the data is still not collected... There is not enough test data to project... The more data that is collected the projections get lower in terms of mortality.
Researchers are now predicting that the death toll in the US will be 40-60k. While awful, it is not catastrophic and not worth the destruction of the economy/starting The Great Depression 2.0. We need better data, but Germany (who has tested more than any other) only has a mortality rate of 1.5% of those infected and…
I am guessing that you are still employed/getting a pay check.
Bottled water?!
Isn’t it live streamed on youtube every year as well?
I am 6'8" and drive a Mazda 3. You don’t need an SUV if you are tall.
You guys should have a sports site to report on this stuff...
Yeah... but did the kid deserve it?!
I used to not mind his stand-up, but after reading all these responses I find him less funny and really petty. SNL is crap these days as well.
Read both (congrats on writing about someone else’s writing btw). Where is the racism and classism you allege? Or are you just inferring it?
Yeah.. Wallis was great... married to a Nazi Sympathizer that deserted during the Fall of France.
As a Canadian... if we have to pay for the Markle’s security 6 months out of the year, I am going to be angry.
Do you have an actual example of them being biased based on her race and class or just examples of her being treated differently? The two do not have to be linked unless you too are looking for an angle to spin (yeah that is right I am lumping you in with the trash British press as you are benefiting from it as well).
It sucks. They stay in Canada and do boring things.
This is a good article. All of it is true.
Gawdamnit, looks like us creative Canadians rebooted another American vehicle for no reason. I want to die every time we do this, see the Canadian versions of bachelor, top model, idol (ugggggh), amazing race... etc etc etc until we all freeze to death...
I was going to buy one in 2013... I looked at the gas mileage vs. the stupid Mazda 3 I bought instead and came to the conclusion that was a lot of extra money just to look and feel cool. Whenever I see one on the road there is always a feeling of the one that got away...