
Like lol I have a degree and all I can type is lol. Anyway I think that you did seem tone deaf to the piece by posting a skinny selfie in your large suburban bathroom. Feminism is for all and I will be glad when you are confident in your INTERNAL beauty as well as the outside wrapping.

OK, what is with celebrities being hospitalized for “exhaustion?” I mean seriously... for many of them, it’s code for rehab, but I don’t think that’s the situation with Kendall Jenner? How is life as a rich, pampered celebrity truly more exhausting than being a Normal struggling paycheque to paycheque??? To the point

I don’t know why you think I was being a “douche” on purose or a troll, my name is Bryan and I live in NYC, I’m a regular person with thoughts and feelings, just like you.

This is such delightful nonsense. You post a picture of yourself fishing for compliments under the guise of, “I was anorexic but I’m healthy now, but look how hot I looked when I was anorexic (even though, I’m still thin, ‘cause I still fit into that Free People dress! Feminism rawwwr!” and the Jezzies are all, “Right

That’s Naomi Wolf. Who figuratively and literally made your point decades ago. Have a nice evening.

LOL (thanks BA degree) you did post a pic in a article about a woman being shamed for being a higher weight. There’s some cognitive dissonance going on here, no matter how you want to wrap it up.

I’ve just read thru this thread, and I gotta say I didn’t take coolcucumbers posts as back handed at all, just misunderstood at best. But you seemed to turn it that way, and for some reason other kooks on here agreed, and attacked him/her. To me, now it seems like you are on here to tell your sad story, even though

I don’t even know that it’s a guy, do you? You’re not coming across as particularly feminist here; you’re coming across as privileged and mean. God forbid the commenter should find women of color or heavier women or brunettes or even —GASP! —men more attractive. As far as unnecessary comments, you could have kept this

I think maybe the photo you wanted to make your point with was this one. Way less thirsty.

Don’t feel bad. It’s really ok that you don’t find thin blonde white women the epitome of attractiveness. She’s just so privileged that it’s never occurred to her that someone might find women of a different size or ethnicity or hell, even shade of bottle blonde more appealing.

Really? You post a photo of yourself, very thin, labeled as “TOTALLY FUCKABLE” in the comment section of an essay about struggling with the labels folks put on fat women. Then you deny you did it for compliments, but get miffed when a single commenter says s/he finds the photo pretty but not necessarily hot.

Okay, I guess I missed where that was the after and the validation seeking tone (which is what raised my hackles, really) makes much more sense now. Do you get that? And I guess I was also thrown off because, funnily enough, you end up undermining the point you were trying to make in the first place. It doesn’t

was this really necessary to post?

but....did you get fat? I think that's what is really important here....

Of course Rex Harrison was a client. That awful man. Read up on Harrison and his relationship with Carole Landis. Especially how he found her possibly still with a pulse after she deliberately overdosed. But he left the scene and did nothing. Nope, not even a phone call to get paramedics to her home.

“By her account, the “friends” included John F. Kennedy”

I know, it left me breathless how gross it was.

For reference: