At the risk of being boring, we really should just wait for a police report before trying to assign any responsibility.
At the risk of being boring, we really should just wait for a police report before trying to assign any responsibility.
There are lots of "intent" laws. Malicious intent. Criminal intent. Fraudulent intent.
He tried to take pictures of a minor's underwear, doesn't EVERY state have laws against that?
um, pretty sure with your comments we would all be lucky to have you as an aunt.
Okay, hear me out. I seriously doubt that many Republicans are genuinely evil, but: their entire platform supports the large-scale presence of (1) unwanted babies and (2) poor families, (3) without physical or mental health care, (4) who disdain education because it's elitist, so that they have the power to make a lot…
It's like the old saying:
Oh I beg to differ. THIS is the wedding dress you wear on a yaht. Saw it in the window when I bought my dress. Its actually very cool.
Why can't my drunkenings come from both?
"Designer babies"?
Representative Patricia Todd of Birmingham, Alabama has recently received death threats after threatening to expose…
Thank you so much. This stuff just makes me so mad right now because I was so sad and depressed that I went into work and tried to quit this week because it was making me suicidal. I'm actually really great at my job and my boss was like shocked and said, i am scared what are you doing do you need help? And I like…
I think everyone thought he would somehow be above all that midlife crisis shit, the eccentric, cool, intellectual that he was. I know a lot of folks who came up with him as their Hollywood crush (and some of us, the only one they would have for years) grew very disenchanted when he entered the Amber Heard period of…
I vividly remember the only time I went dress shopping (yes, some straight guys have a sense of style/fashion too and I have a thing for wedding dresses) and was a bit surprised when I didn't get kicked out.
That's enough internet for today. I'm out. Good bye y'all, I'll remember you all in therapy.
Just sayin'
Here's a link to the gofundme info to help support the baker's legal fund.
I originally wrote this in response to someone else, but I want to share the story with as many as I can, so I'm posting my own thread, hoping that someone will take me out of the greys and that others will see this. This story changed my entire outlook on being a woman..especially one in public alone. I just feel it…
How could you not include this part?
Maybe it's cool if you sing it in Italian. "Vaffancuuuuuuulo!"
One of the worst pieces of jewlrey a dude could wear isn't even on this list: the Oversized Class Ring. Holy fuck, I can't stand that shit. Unless it's a $10k Super Bowl ring and you're hosting an episode of Sunday Countdown, you have no business wearing some gaudy piece of shit that you think shows the world…