
What’s frustrating is that the normal scan ( with ultrasound- Sonographer here) is at 20-22 weeks for fetal abnormalities. Zero time for abortions. It’s disgusting.

It is supposed to be a 21 week scan to covered by insurance. And that is exactly why they are doing it- so they can outlaw abortions based on chromosomal abnormalities,or deformities. (Sonographer here)

The reason they are doing this is that most disabilities/ horrible chromosomal disorders can’t be detected until 21 weeks- (I am a Sonographer)

I am a Sonographer. You know- the people who do these tests. There is a reason we do the “anatomy scan” at 21 weeks. BECAUSE WE ARE EVALUATING THE PARTS OF THE ANATOMY THAT CAN REGISTER PAIN, as well as a four chamber heart, brain defects, chromosomal defects, etc. THEY CANNOT BE DETECTED BEFORE 21 WEEKS! INCLUDING

Stars for “only Zuul”

I see what you are saying in this case, but that ring is wayyyy bigger than 2-3 karats. And 3 karat rings cost way less than $100,000 ( unless we are talking canary diamonds or something.) I had a very small ring when my husband and I started out young and poor and loved it. He recently got me a much larger one now

I actually live in the area this article is talking about (Asheville area) and they removed our maternity ward. Most of these “rural” hospitals they are talking about are 30-45 mins from Asheville and along major roads/ highways. It’s the folks who live in the actual country outside of the town centers (the ones who

I live in one of the rural towns this article is talking about that has a Mission health hospital that shut down our maternity department.  Asheville is their hub and most of the hospitals in the smaller towns are also Mission health. It is not a problem with lack of staff. Many Drs as well as nurses, imaging staff,

They keep talking about Clinton and Obama because it resonates with his MAGA fan base. And yes, I call up it a fan base because he is a character and not a figure in our countries politics.

Thanks for doing the good (and horrific) work of listening to the crazies at Fox.

The problem is he won’t be a friendless pariah. Look at all of the “second chances” that are being given to disgusting men! I wouldn’t be surprised to see him run again. In today’s politics, his biggest mistake wasn’t what he did, but saying he is guilty. ( See Mr. “grab them by the pussy” president )

We need a laughing emoji- smiling is weird as is laughing. And the angry guy could look like I don’t agree with you.

It’s like that old whack-a-mole game. Only you are in hell.

I didn’t know houses could be this ugly. Or 80's.

She may be able to afford daycare if she isn’t paying for his food and utilities, which I am assuming she does, since he doesn’t have a job.

I moved from Pittsburgh to Beaufort Sc as a child. ( first grade) I was at a birthday party where when we were about to have the cake for dessert. I was given a fork and was told- “My daddy’s colored man used this once. But don’t worry, she sterilized it.” The other kids freaked out about it- I didn’t ebpven

This. I was in the shower today and heard my phone’s news alert ping four times. Rushed to get out thinking- “He’s really done it. The end is coming while I am deep conditioning.”

This is so strange because it’s the opposite in the US (at least the south east) More pubs and microbreweries everyday, it seems like.

I think Dinosaurs was just replying to your comment. I personally like Swift’s music ( mostly) but give kind of a side eye to her infamous PR stuff. But if a woman is assaulted- we should support her regardless of what we think of her career, or personality for that matter.

Now I have to go make myself a tomato sandwich- and I was happily ensconced in my chair enjoying the Katy-did chorus and reading Jezebel. Sigh- effort.