Never bought zombie maps because I had no interest in the MP maps that came with it. Im glad they’re finally doing this because I have no problem paying for it. I would have bought all the zombie maps already if I could buy them separately.
Never bought zombie maps because I had no interest in the MP maps that came with it. Im glad they’re finally doing this because I have no problem paying for it. I would have bought all the zombie maps already if I could buy them separately.
its funny, this headline being the 2nd top story right behind the one about the girl who finally learned broken English gets you nowhere.
you dont need to do this. Just learn to play fucking games man. Internet bloggers are pathetic.
Have then given us a reason not to trust them?
Ya you’d think they were bought out by EA or something.
Its Prey in name only. If they had faith in their new game they wouldn’t be afraid to call it a new IP
Bethesda’s really been shitting the bed lately....
Shit bundle. Dont want those games for free.
Shit bundle. Dont want those games for free.
If it was Nintendo they would charge for it, and their fans would defend them.
seems like a joke...
seems like a joke...
same-y vibe to all the cosplay you guys post because its always 1 of like 3 photographers.
its ok. He’s not white so he can’t be racist. Right Gawker?
People that prefer logic over emotion
Good god you’re a tool
your kids hate you
be honest. savages in the media wont be happy till this guys head is on a stick.
and not every non-ghetto family can afford to buy their college kid a brand new car. Its a sad response that lemmings enjoy.
its a dumb response from her. Many families don’t live in the ghetto that can’t buy their college kid a brand new vehicle.
He’s a grown ass man, he can do what he chooses to. idiots pushing a lifestyle on him. Its ok because he’s a man right. If he was some transgenwhatever they want to be called today, you’d happily accept any backwards choices it makes.. psh. you wonder why people laugh at you and this website.