
you idiots aren’t happy with the double standard as it is, you have to continue to push. This is why you lost the election kids

Man, you’re doing PS4 wrong if all you used it for was movies. Its one of the few current consoles that you would be 100% fine if its all you have

Is life hard being a racist piece of shit? People like this blogger should just kill themselves because they already lost to themselves.

Who is she to white people? Looks black to me. She’s yours responsibility.

You guys honestly deserve what you get at this point. Enjoy!

The parcel? really?

cheddar is the way go. American slices GTFO

cheddar is the way go. American slices GTFO

nah never give tips

Its super relaxed. Don’t let articles like this scare you. Every other person standing in line seems to be having their first legal experience as well.

they do look like trashbags though.

Damn dude you have some mental issues. Might want to get that checked out.

What should I use to clean up the vomit?

Joe lost his way a long time ago.

Bad sense of humor, ugly, and clearly going senile. Yikes. Maybe you should do youtube.

Kids on the internet feel so smart when they use the word entitled.

Angry Joes channel has sucked for a long time now.

Lol that title is such bullshit. You fit right in on this trash site.

Do they have cat pictures? I love cat pictures. You should see my fridge.

“Its illegal, but nobody cares so its fine!”