
I just laughed one of my contacts out. Thank you for this!!

He could have ear mites or some sort of infection, and the hair loss may be due to his attempts to scratch his itchy ears.

I can always tell when winter is over because I start having tornado dreams. My mom does the same thing; we joke about it, like “welp, it’s safe to put plants out, had a tornado dream last night!”

Back when I was riding regularly, my strategy was usually to pop 800mg Motrin and install toilet paper roll-sized tampon and one of those little liner things because I can’t stand the feeling of pads, and everything was golden.

I honestly thought this was dubbed because I plainly heard him say “my corn!” Mind= blown

“...that’s one great big ol’ pistol, I mean .50 caliber made by badass Hebrews”

Vienna (pronounced vy-anna) comes to mind

I don’t know if it’s the one that was mentioned, but fits that bill.

Swear to god his voice is seriously my personal Tesla earthquake machine. It resonates at the exact frequency of my heart and threatens to fuck my shit up, and I love it.

Me too! It’s actually the same dress in blue and black, and they’re my fallback for anything semi-formal. Aside from those two dresses, you’re getting scrubs, jeans/riding breeches, or yoga pants.

If “grolars” every show up, they’re going to have to go ahead and reclassify most of Margaret Atwood’s shit as non-fiction.

Thank you! I wondered if there was any relation, but was too lazy to Google.

Agreed, and I’ll go ahead and add my personal anecdata to the aforementioned source: I was the detox nurse at a Midwest jail for 3 years, and opioid abuse was one of the few things in that hellhole that didn’t discriminate. My patients were Black, White, Hispanic, et al... It wasn’t and isn’t a niche problem.

I enjoy those a great deal, only mine generally include a significant measure of vodka. Yum!

You’re not alone, friend. I dig the taste of coffee, but it makes me feel like I shotgunned a can of razor blades. Somehow I can chug Cherry Coke all day without so much as a twinge, so I don’t know what’s up with that.

That’s exactly what I googled to find that picture because I couldn’t remember what that horn was called, lol.

There’s one of those in Midland, and omigod theirs are absolutely devine. It’s been almost ten years since I had them and I still crave them every time someone mentions onion rings!

🎶 Interspecies friends, we ain’t kiddin’, mac! 🎶

Agreed. Also, his name sounds like a canine dermatological condition.