
Secondhand story here, but your state park reference made me think of it.

I recently had to go to an out of town training deal with one of my co-workers. We had a bathroom break, which I used to eff around on my phone while she went to use the facilities.

This is not the first time I’ve heard about/encountered wall shit.

I drank. My family are neocons. It was a matter of survival. #sorrynotsorry

Omg, I heard that as well. I was driving and very nearly crashed due to the extreme head shaking that ensued. Seriously y’all?

Per my former kick ass Nurse Practitioner “use soap only on intertriginous areas”

Not to mention the (potential/probable) human cost of extracting said coal...

Understanding of physics has been ruled out as a contributing factor.

And catch the “mom arm” in the event of a sudden stop.

Hell yeah!

I had a similar scenario, only substitute “inflatable chair” for inner tube and “misanthropic pony” for 3 wheeler.

Uggggh. Hugs to you, internet friend.

Years of working in nursing homes taught me that (naked or otherwise) a chin tuck is a prerequisite for elderly hugs. Tuck the chin, shoulder down, football style... Being almost choked out by Muss Mae taught me all about that shit, lol.

Baahahaha that’s awesome!!

Random observation if the night: Ron Jeremy has very kind eyes.

Was there a blood elevator? Please tell me there was.

When I was roughly 11, my babysitter caught me reading some crazy “Spice Up Married Life With These Dirty Stories” book I found in my mom’s dresser. That was horrifying on its own, but she then told my mom about it.

Semi-related: I dated this really awesome guy for a while who was into...butt stuff (not mine). It’s never really been my cup of tea, but i liked him and was totally cool with expanding my horizons and whatnot, so I brought a toy to his place and good times ensued.

Pissing contest + Mercury in retrograde = perfect timing!

Oh, it was absolutely a fuckton of work. Thankfully, marijuana exists, so I didn’t notice it at the time, lol.