
In my experience, getting a guy to fuck is the easy part.

I’ve had similar issues, and I’m developing a bit of a complex.

There’s totally a German word for it: spinnbarkheit. It roughly translates to “fibrous”, but it’s the medical-ish term for stretchy mucus.

Oh, the crimper... A vital tool of 90s flyness! :)


Ditto here.

Not to mention her position in the saddle... Apparently leaning back like the dude at the end of a tug of war rope (of which the horse is the opposing team) is the new straight line from shoulder-knee-heel.

Sorry bout that. I rarely get the chance to climb up on a horse-themed soapbox, so when I do, I generally forget that dressage-speak might as well be Klingon to the non-horsey :/

Ray Wylie Hubbard is the absolute epitome of badassitude, and I fucking love that song.

Yeah, Anky has had a major hand in turning competitive dressage into something that reminds me of a Big Lick gaited class. It’s all about flicky flashy front legs, nevermind that hind end is in another time zone and you could play a bass solo on the curb rein at any given time during a test.

He’s obviously inverted, hollow backed, on the forehand, and utterly lacking in impulsion.

Ditto. I don’t have kids, but if I did, I’d let them go outside alone more readily than I would Lucycat.

Good Lord, kokopellis...


I had both the OG Pearl and the flip version... Best phones ever. I still miss the sensation of trackballing and being able to text without holding the phone up to my face like an old who forgot their reading glasses.

I still grieve for my poor bricked Blackberry Pearl. It had the old school phone style keyboard, which I absolutely loved. (I cut my texting teeth back when those were all that existed, so I got really good at it.)


My super rural school was obviously stuck in a time vacuum, because the class of 2003 was exactly the same.


It’s in the antihistamine class of drugs, all of which have some anti-emetic properties, but it’s used for nausea. Dramamine is essentially benadryl marketed for motion sickness.