Comrade Wingtardd

You forget the root of the early episodes! She was always a formidable character. Her first henchman gave Reese quite a run for his money as well. Trained agent, bleh.

A's for all that fanfic trash they've been pushing lately and a B+ for this? Turn in your critic's card, please. All the balls were left up in the air at the conclusion of the episode, but that does not mean you can't judge it on its own merits. The previous episodes you gave A's - "Karma" and "Terra Incognita" - were

"A"? Seriously? For this steaming load of amateur crap? This episode was a solid "F". Who the hell is in charge of this show now? Has it been abandoned? The episode wandered all over the place, was almost 90% exposition (dreadful), it was just awful in every respect. The show is going down the tubes. Oh god,

Strong d+ this week

Good observation! It did seem a very odd thing to say. It is quite thinkable that Samaritan would steer Silva (probably unwittingly) toward the case, as she did have some connection to it.

Well, just a thought. She was suspicious to me about the nature of her "freelance" work with Lionel. That's the sort of thing Lionel and Carter used to tell people, right?

I did have the feeling Silva was working with Samaritan.

I wondered what the point of this was - if the machine had just wanted the congressman dead, it would have sent root, but the machine sent root and shaw to the other side of the country.

That was silly, but he was hand picked by Samaritan, not some random guy.

The whole episode reeked of fanfic.

My assumption was that Samaritan was behind the portable cannons and wants them for something. They're not good for a lot, except assassinating heavily protected targets or warfare.

I have the sinking feeling Jack Forge will be a recurring problem …

"eu" in German (including Swiss German) is pronounced "oy", yes.

Euler is pronounced "oiler"

It'd have been funnier if they focused on Fusco's muffin top

I would give this one a C-. The NoTW was just terrible and whatever humor threw on top of it was cornball. Also, after teasing us with 'you and I need a talk' last episode, they did not deliver! Although it is reasonable to assume Harold did talk to the machine and it sent him to Hong Kong make contact with that woman.

No it sure isn't GoT, it is far better. GoT is pretty terrible.

The music of the show deserves an award as well.

Yes, it was always an AI. The Machine doesn't even have a database, it uses everyone else's.

How kind and thoughtful of you to acknowledge that gay people are human beings. Catholics have come a ways in the last two decades, haven't they?