
Lots of comments about feeling sorry for Chuck. Are you kidding me? He's a grade A asshole and is getting exactly what he deserves.

I'm shocked!! No, not by what Trump said. But by the hilarious reaction of people. The same people who watch Game of Thrones are offended? Give me a break. I take it none of you have veer been in a locker room or on a golf course or at a bar I suppose, since this is the first time you've heard lewd talk about women

They're going after Putin because he dared to do what nobody in the MSM had done in 5 years…stand up to Obama.

You have to be grade A stupid to think TDS isn't a liberal show. Is it funny? Sure. That doesn't mean it's also not liberal. And I know, I know you have examples of when Stewart goes after Obama. And for every 1 of those examples there are 50 examples of him going after Republicans. And that's the game Stewart plays