
Tiny Tina is one of the worst things about Borderlands? Are you out of your mind?! She’s probably the best representation of what the Borderlands vibe is. She’s completely outlandish, hyper-violent, and has a twisted sense of humor. The twins from BL3 were without question the worst part of Borderlands, completely

And this is why I don’t preorder from companies who have a habit of releasing unpolished games as full blown AAA titles. This game should have been polished before release. Otherwise, I would have played this bug ridden game and forever had my first experience with it tainted. I wouldn’t have gone back after the fixes

And now chiropractors are hacks?! Holy jeebus, will the world ever figure out the facts AND get them straight?!

Actually, I do want crossplay, and here’s why. I have friends. Friends on Xbox. We could play together, and not care who has the advantage or disadvantage. They could also split up the lobbies, and allow players to decide if they want to play against PC/console players or not.