Kellan Sparver

I think this is one of the games where the combat experience is highly variable based on your selected difficulty and playstyle. I’m playing on Hard and the wind ability is by far my least used. It has a high rate of fire but low damage per shot and is only single-target. I’m using the water ability way more often and

You don’t have to do those things to play eve - there’s nothing stopping you from finding a low-barrier-to-entry null-sec corporation that needs fodder and tackle pilots and hopping right in. The best way to enjoy EVE is to stop figuring out the optimal way to grind to endgame and instead simply play like you’re

A couple months ago , after Odyssey’s release , an entire horde of Elite players jumped ship and joined Star Citizen’s community becausebof how disappointing the Odyssey update seemingly was . Many of them documented their discovery of SC (black sky legion and CMDR Will and Kate on youtube come to mind) , how they

I play it almost every day. The new patch introduced some interesting new mechanics. My org enjoys the game and playing with each other. There are a lot of people just like me. I'm sorry you don't enjoy it too.

Curt did lose his ass on it. He invested something like 50 million. People don’t have to like him personally, but by all indications he took the studio very seriously and worked hard to get funding to keep the studio alive. I followed the story very closely back then and the governor really had no business making

“Steam players see the achievement, but cannot obtain it. They are the most damned, and the most human. PlayStation and Xbox players can 100% the game and are dully content. Switch players don’t have achievements, and thus dwell in God’s light,””

That is a magnificent quote.

I will tell you what happened. From Bugalaga airstrip you should have plotted a 126 degrees course to the mine, east-south-east.

I think you’re missing the point Riley.

Not that the writeup was bad, but your comment was a significantly much better review of the game (even if the deep technical things you excited go far beyond my head). Thanks for sharing! 

I am intrigued to try this hunt for the mine, as it is massive and not hard to navigate to. I have had issues here and there with trees being overpopulated in the wrong places and it bunches up over land features and buildings. For instance my home of Vancouver has lots of trees still in between the buildings

Dear Will, if you took a second to try and review the *game* Microsoft Flight Simulator instead of the concept of cloud and games as a service, maybe you would have done the tutorial, which would have taught you to fly VFR (which incidentally is the only form of navigation actually included in the tutorial).

When you’re ready to get your PC optimized for Crysis

The fact that a third of the video is just him spending hours trying to figure out how to organize the cables of the liquid cooler’s radiator is disturbingly relatable.