
"Another technique that (probably) does not involve your anus is thinking exciting thoughts."

They should just build Defraggler and Recuva into CCleaner now, as Piriform has been adding more and more features to CCleaner.

Well clearly TrueCrypt is going to win by a landslide.

@Gonzie: I wasn't aware it was missing from previous versions.

@Gonzie: Yeah, but that tag is for "typos, grammatical errors, and any other corrections", so I just assumed the author of the post would read it.

@abhistuff: I found one that made it say "Engage!"

CANDY CORN! Especially the pumpkin shaped ones, mmm...

@Steve Sweeny: PDAnet took me 30 seconds to get working after downloading the iPhone and desktop apps.

Instead of hanging my clothes on a bar going across the length of the closet, I hung the bar along the width of the left side of the closet.

Wait a second, why isn't PDAnet for iPhone on this list, but rather non-free options?

Here's an example of a slideshow, for people who don't feel like making one: []

You can also view it in Fullscreen by using Atomic Browser.

You're breaking the fourth wall!

The commenting system is a central feature of LifeHacker, preventing comments like the one in the picture above.

You can completely customize this on a jailbroken iPhone. You have the option for 4/5 columns, 4/5 rows, both 5 columns and 5 rows, keep/remove the icon names, etc.

@marthy: Boy, I sure am happy to live in Canada.