
You’re doing a great disservice to the fandom and the actors behind it on a number of levels. Fandom Rocks was a years-long charity drive in the early stages of the fandom. Misha has established GISH-whatever, the scavenger hunt and Random Acts, which has built Haitian schools and does disaster relief drives. Jared

The difference is that while I might need to be protected from the government if I say the president is an absolute idiot, I (or anyone outside of the military) do NOT need an assault rifle easily available because I am not planning a full-scale Beaches-of-Normandy type invasion.

Guys, if you ever want to be Husbands/Boyfriends/Partners Of The Millennium? After the bra is off, very gently take your hands and softly massage the red marks left behind after the bra removal. Don't ask, just do it, and kiss her on the cheek. it's a really good way to make your lady feel better, and you get credit

It's not just that he doesn't want to be anyone's king, it's that he understands the implications of this and does not want want to take it away from Thor because it is Thor's birthright. AoU made a point of showing Thor noticing that Mjolnir shifted for Cap, which meant that was Cap deliberately not moving it. (Loki

1. Why is it that they assumed a check for $1000 was fraudulent? Answer, because a black man tried to cash it.

Really? Justified? With two ID and a fingerprint, which is one piece more of ID than I (your average white person) actually carry, and a legitimate payroll check?

Calm your tits, man. It's still there, I literally just finished an episode of Murder House (1st season). Are you in the US? Because that might make a difference... 

Isaac’s backstory was actually well-handled, cramming in a ton of information about him and his formative experiences in the time constraints allowed(*) by the format. You’re shown why he’s loyal to Dracula (established a bond with his “owner” rapidly, implying how he forms bonds), why he hates humanity, why he

There’s one little thing that might be keeping him from getting in-state tuition from the UNC system. According to the Residency Guide at,

Given that he’s graduating this early with that GPA? I’d say both. I was in the second group, and believe me, the school system did not know how to deal with me in the least. I wasn’t allowed in the CP or AP tracks because I hadn’t been placed in them coming out of the elementary system. At least this kid had a chance


Any chance of Nygma and Cobblepot on the same screen again is “off the bloody rails” in the most epic way possible because they’re scenery-chewers of the highest caliber. (“Stop being so EXTRA, Ed!” is a common cheer in my house.)

That’s a logical progression, especially given the proliferation of stressed out and unbalanced people in the world.

1. We want you to eat this cupcake, and because you don’t like vanilla icing we specifically use vanilla. You can say no, but we’ll pressure you until you say yes.

Yes, that is a great choice for a teenager! Completely ostracize and isolate yourself while your ex-friends start rumors about you, or shut up and accept the repeated sexual assault.