
First sentence says he does care. Last sentence says he doesn't care. kermitsippingtea.jpg

Interpreting Mad Max: Fury Road as a Christian film is a hilariously long stretch.

There's no CGI in Transformers: The Movie.

Cosby has an old routine about a little person mugger that would never fly today.

I'm pretty sure it's just a way of weeding out people who think there are "bad" words, as those tend to be rather toxic people in a creative environment.

No agent is going to coach an actor to be more vulgar in an interview. This is simply how he, and a whole lot of people in the industry, including myself, talk during informal conversation with someone we feel comfortable around. It's not a sign of anything more than that.

Or he could just be a normal Los Angeles entertainment professional who, like most other normal Los Angeles entertainment professionals, uses "fuck" as a comma. After a year it replaces "um" almost permanently.

100% agreed. Spoilerphobes consume media in an almost childish fashion that is incredibly tiresome to tiptoe around. A story is more than its plot, and this incredibly strange rise of people who seem to appreciate nothing about entertainment beyond its plot points is so silly. There's so much more to well-crafted

Don't call people assholes for not meeting your unrealistic expectations. Breaking Bad has been over for nearly a year. If someone cares that much about being unspoiled, they have had plenty of time to get around to it.

"(“T” refers to Episode Three, Revenge Of The Sith. The numbers are all episode codes.)"

You are so hopelessly clueless that I doubt any amount of explanation could do you any good. Enjoy your tiny mind and its racist and misogynist "opinions." Luckily for you, this country is tolerant enough to let you wallow in ignorance for most of your natural life with no real consequences.