
Agreed, blue all the way. Red doesn't suit him. Reminiscent of Jason.

Man I loved that game. It had the kind of perfect control that made you want to replay fights not just to win, but to make it look as cool as possible.

I was pretty excited to hear about multiplayer, but I had assumed this was players vs. AI co-op survival mode where aliens pour on and the players have their squads work together to hold out as long as possible or work towards a goal.


Same here. I generally don't care for multiplayer modes aside from co-op campaigns. I want Bioshock to bring me a well-realized new world. Dropping multiplayer gives me more of what I want.

No, it didn't really have any effect on me, it was just annoying. I didn't shoot any civilians. Game reset when I shot the bad guys. So basically I was forced to just slowly walk around behind these guys until eventually the game forced me to shoot back at the cops so I could move on.

Batman would lose in hand to hand combat against Captain America. Batman's only got what he was born with, Captain America has an impossibly perfect physique. Both expert martial artists, edge goes to Batman (Heck, even Cassandra Cain beats Batman in straight hand to hand combat).

Tele-knifing was already OP in MW1. People just didn't catch on till MW2.

Game. Set. Match.

Say "Apple."

This is a terrible terrible idea. 1) It's a movie based on a game, we all know how well those turn out. 2) AC's story is completely off-the-charts bananas. Any hint of AC's story in this movie will torpedo it's chance of making any goddamn sense.

That moment at the end is her throwing a slightly moist porno mag in his lap as she leaves the room. "Leave the sample in the cup on the dresser".


Did someone ask for Higgs Boson Rule 34?

Relax, given our current course, we're not likely to even see a man get past mars within our lifetime. Probably not even a mars landing before we're dead.

Naw of course not. We just need to decry such offensive material or else a girl might read it and have their little hearts broken. Strong men like us need to protect them from bad words written by some nobody on the internet.

If someone can show a video of them clearing Act IV Inferno wearing nothing more than ilevel 60 (i.e no 61-63 gear), then I'll chalk it up to skill. Otherwise, gear does 90% of the work, smart or lucky AH use, and build composition comprises another 9%, and the remaining 1% is "skill".

Saints Row 3 guy/girl is pretty jazzed about the awesome shit he does.

So THAT is how you go back to a previous comment. I want to think of some clever joke about how unbelievably obtuse this system is at the most trivial tasks, but I'm still trying to snap out of the initial shock.

"Can we become a place where people are impressed with the comments discussions below each article? Can we be a site that people rave about as having the most interesting readers?