Nice review. Very clearly pointed out exactly what swinging should be like in a spiderman game.
Nice review. Very clearly pointed out exactly what swinging should be like in a spiderman game.
TL;DR Bioware's ending is awesome.
Fascinating insight into the lives of these sad and small people.
Meh, the men seem to be having trouble keeping their clothes on here too. Equal opportunity exposure.
HC mode has more excitement, in regular D3, you don't have anything on the line. There's nothing to lose so there's no consequences to anything, and victory is a foregone conclusion. You just need to wait until you win.
I sure hope not. This is a game being sold to Americans and if they're smart, they'll tailor the music accordingly.
It's probably a reference to this comic: []
I guess they have those drops to show you that you're get loot drop rolls regularly. If they only show blues and up, then for long spaces of time, nothing drops. It gives a brief moment of suspense when you see the item flip up into the air, and you wonder what you're getting. If nothing comes out, you don't get the…
I enjoyed True Crime, even though it was a buggy mess, it worked well enough that I could see through the bugs and enjoy the vision they had for the game. True Crime 2's issues were too overwhelming to look past.
I read on rockpapershotgun in dev- interviews that you start with 4 and upgrade to 6 eventually. I'd prefer 6 with an upgrade to 8 instead. Leaves more room for cannon fodder mooks to get iced. That said, the developer mentioned he finished his first full playthrough just prior to the interview and lost 22 soldiers…
Vote-skip works just fine in Left 4 Dead. If someone wants to skip it skisays player ______ wants to skip, and 4 checkboxes in the corner showing the # of players who also want to skip. Everyone can see how many others want to skip so they can bow to peer pressure if they're the odd man out, but if they haven't seen…
The game spawns more enemies if there are more people in the game. Each enemy killed has a chance to drop loot. More enemies killed means more chances meaning more loot. If the players complement each other well, they kill faster as a group than the sum of the individual players. If they don't complement each other…
OTOH, her whole deal is that she's a sidekick to a clown. Wouldn't be too much to suggest that she's acts like a fool to play up her leader.
Odd, why is BG&E straight-up in India? I don't see any nods to the previous game except that Jade is standing in the street there. Even has a hindu human face on the walls.
It stumbled across a tight reward schema which loops rewarding audio and visual feedback of sword-impact, spell-blasting, gold-dropping, loot-dropping, led into randomized rewards of gear improvement, chaining into level-up rewards, linking further to skill unlock rewards, as well as additional level-restricted gear…
Wow, this might be the straw that breaks the camel's back and turns back the juggernaut of COD's market domination.
I'm pretty sure that what Zardoz is referring to was already revealed in ME2. They just reiterate in detail on this subject in ME3. Relax.
He also has the power of retroactive timetravel. If he needs anything, or needs to be capable of doing something, he travels back in time so that he's already done it before hand. That's why he mastered everything in the world during the time between daytime and nighttime (i.e no time).
If it's pronounced Radoonhagaydoo...Why not spell it as Radoonhagaydoo?
A better example is Silent Storm, it's like X-com combat in a 3d environment. Moving the perspective around was no problem. Give gamers some credit.