
FYI: Women are sex objects. (Men are too btw.)

Actually, the smart choice is not buying this game new. Instead, waiting until the Game of the Year edition comes out later, and then buying that instead so you can get Catwoman AND all of the pre-order content that everyone else isn't going to get because they bought it new.

Loved it.

Let's set the record straight. Shadowrun for Xbox/PC had terrific gameplay, but a terribly inappropriate name. It was refreshingly different from all the other FPS games and I had a blast with it. The game placed full emphasis on tactics and situational awareness, and removed emphasis on simply shooting fast at the


That's fine by me. The characters and their lines in Silent Hill games have always been atrocious. Silent Hill games stand out as a result of the environment and the atmosphere. That's the responsibility of the rest of the film crew to carry from the game into the movie. Her job is to do her best to AVOID carrying the

Because unlike "Elder Scrolls" which has nothing to do with scrolls, "Scrolls" is (as described by their website

The key to making a one-use pass work is to sell the game at used-game prices later on.

I sympathize with the guy's frustrations, but his job is to suck it up.

No, it is not a fucking fair point for Shadowrun. Shadowrun was an /awesome/ FPS torpedoed by a completely inappropriate name. I don't know anything about Shadowrun the RPG, but I know a lot about FPS games, and Shadowrun's gameplay was terrific.

I know you're kidding, but man, I sure would love some more Theme Hospital.

I wouldn't like to think so either, but the truth is that they will shoot pets on sight.

That's a dangerous prank. SWAT would kick down the guy's door and gun down their dogs just in case. Might even kill the people inside if they're triggerhappy enough.

Heh, I'd like to see this game end in a climactic fist fight with the old lady on the top of a crashing airplane.

"Oh, I see. So as long as it's an attempt at humor, it's necessarily okay, no matter what?

I was pretty satisfied with the game world size. Too much more and I think I might have burned out since you already have all the augs you want midway through.

The player base on consoles and PCs are operating on a different basis of control. Games need to change accordingly in light of that difference. Perhaps in the future there will be a console with kb/m support as a central control device so that developers will design with that in mind. Until then, cross-platform play

I like that he's worried about the future. It'll keep Valve working on improving Steam. Successful people don't rest when they get to the top of the hill, they keep running because they see the next hill coming up.

Same here, I have friends who stopped pirating because of steam. Steam just makes it so cheap and convenient, that they didn't care enough to try hunting down a working pirated copy. They just buy it and are playing within the hour.

ADS made sense as an update to the standard FPS formula. When the player wants to shoot, ADS zooms in and reduces mouse speed so that the player can make more precise shot placement. It's convenient, and makes decision making relatively more significant than headshot speeds, since aiming ability across the spectrum of