I could accept kinect implementation only if it does not detract from the controller.
I could accept kinect implementation only if it does not detract from the controller.
Seems like this is a good time for every company in the games industry with consumer-facing account services to do a security review as a precautionary measure.
Whew, this article finally gave me a little confidence about the new X-Com. Just knowing it'd have "turns" helps a huge amount since it forces players to make choices rather than running around and shooting over chest-high walls.
The models took these jobs willingly . They like the attention and praise, or use it for easy money as a stepping stone to something else. Much like any job, they are offering value for value. Is it so different to sell natural-born looks vs. natural-born wit?
Man, I was hoping the game would be about the dog.
Liars, pre-alpha my ass. That's near gold, or else they wouldn't be showing it to anyone.
They connect, but just a little bit. You can jump straight to SR2 without missing much.
I'm looking forward to this. Not for what it is, but what it represents:
Of course it'll be fully playable with a controller only.
That was my first assumption too. But I then I actually watched the video.
I wonder if they'll try to update this game for the modern gaming era? I kind of hope they don't. The stupid unbalanced free-play style of the first one is what I loved so much about it. Sure there was a "race" somewhere on the map, but 50% of your time is spent dicking around on the map exploring off the track, and…
Keep it up, it's a numbers game(at least at first). Ask enough girls out, you'll get some who will say yes. Afterwards you won't be thinking about the ones who say no.
The plot advancement mechanism is great. Everything else sucked. Completely broken gameplay, truly awful stuff. I say this as someone who went all the way through Alone in the Dark 5 and didn't find it to be a complete waste of time.
How about they make an Uncharted Movie...in CG?
Making fun of Mohammed is the big alarm switch these days.
I know what a runner's high is. What I'm saying is that eventually intensive exercise-gaming could lead them to a situation where they can experience workouts that can generate that runner's high. First-timers don't get runner's high unless their fitness matches their regimen in such a way that they can engage in…
Nah, I disagree. Everyone conceptually understands the benefits of fitness, but it's an entirely different thing to fundamentally appreciate the value of actually having it.
Heh, a gym I tried out had an exercycle video game. You just enter your login and password, then you bike over a bunch of different courses, and turning the bikehandles navigates in the game, and resistance changes according to the terrain as well.
Hipsters are the kind of people who think this shit is cool: