
I don't see the future in facebook games yet. It's popular, and people spend tons of time on it, but it needs follow-up develop to turn it into a long-standing and significant branch of entertainment media, rather than a disparate mishmash of forgettable diversions. I don't see the players of Angry Birds today being

One day, these people will look back in embarrassment at their ridiculously juvenile handles.

No, he received trepanation. Slightly different from lobotomization.

Hm, yeah I guess insults for being adopted might hit a little too close to home for a little adopted kid. Didn't really think of it. I suppose a sliiightly higher ESRB rating (currently at 10+) may be appropriate.

Wet had a nice visual aesthetic. But that was about it.

Easy explanation, they're bi-sexual. They didn't mention it before because it didn't come up.

Y'know, I was confident in buying a PS3 about a week after PSN went down because I knew they'd have to make sure all their security measures were fully updated when they went back up.

Definitely loathed the RROD more. I'm on my 5th xbox360 right now. Only got my PS3 recently so I'm still plowing my way through singleplayer campaigns.

Rock the bald patch and ignore the haters.

I'd be all for it. I had a blast with L4D1&2. I replayed campaigns on expert even after completing them because it was a new challenge each time to work together with strangers. It's easy to beat with a team of experts, but hard to beat with a group of strangers with varying skill levels. Part of teamwork is learning

It requires a login to be denied first, otherwise you get kicked right to the sign-up screen instead.

Same here, bought it last saturday. Still haven't been able to create a PSN login, and haven't been able to access Netflix without a login. Lame:\

Gamers like to play games. When they see interesting games, of course they want to play them. Exclusives are a huge draw for consoles, they're the primary reason for me to buy all 3.

The Pentagon's security was poor according to the same British man, who found many of their computers unsecured or poorly protected, and broke in with simple downloaded toolkits.

Ditto, I'd be surprised if they didn't start charging within a few months of the reboot. They won't charge immediately afterwards, because people will still be too sore. They'll try to hit a sweet spot.

Hahaha, Ed Boon cameo!

Nice art, good atmosphere, had a lot going for it. But the linearity got to me, and the gameplay just wasn't enough to carry me through the repetition.

Pffft, here in the US, waitresses will be a bitch to you for /free/.

Ditto, I'm not convinced either. I expect Nintendo's console to be wackier than this.

I don't feel like I'm entitled to anything from them. I spent money to buy value where I saw it and would have bought those games regardless of any effect it may have on the portal 2 release. The promotion just put those deals in front of me, I liked what I saw, and I paid.