
I’m a very liberal social democrat and I think that if you’re a big celebrity you shouldn’t post pics of your dogs sitting on the flag on Independence Day. I’m glad I finally get to say it, “If you don’t like it, then git out!

Not if you fashion a bathing suit out of an actual flag, but using it as a print is okay.

I didn’t say CO I just know some states do it some ways and other states do it other ways. Those might not apply to CO. I can’t read if you’re being sarcastic or not.

I get that it’s probably white people calling the cops on kids out in Colorado, but DC? You don’t think it might just be rational black adults who don’t want kids smoking out in their neighborhood? Wouldn’t you call the cops if you saw some kids sharing a handle of liquor?

that’s racist

Drug dealers selling shit to kids and whoever else has the money. Weed is the least of our problems. I’m not saying I didn’t smoke before I was 21 but I don’t feel sorry for those dealers now and they didn’t feel sorry for me then. I wish my state had stores where we could go pick up.

What do you mean? PA passed medical marijuana. We’re now ahead of the curve. Now I’m going to drive down to Wawa and pick me up a cold one to celebrate.

Possibly worse than a $1,000 fine, up to $2,500 and possible jail time depending on the state.

Kind of exactly how the rest of the country handles drinking underage?

But you just validated the point the commenter is trying to make which is that we don’t know the race of the person calling the police, but it is likely someone of the same race and class. Just pointing out that you switched gears when you got cornered.

Here’s the thing: You’re a shitty neoliberal teenage SJW who doesn’t understand cross-sectional politics, activism, feminism, etc, so fuck you and fuck Barbara Streisand. Unless you’re a millionaire, she doesn’t identify with you and you shouldn’t identify with her either. Mindless idiots like you are ruining