As someone who was hit by a car in January (in a pedestrian fucking crosswalk...), this is OK advice.
The thing that bothers me about this movie is that Amy’s character views herself as “fat” and “not fit”, in the trailer during the bikini contest she has a fit stomach, It’s flat and Inthink she may even have a two pack, no she’s not a size 2 but she actually has a very fit body, and viewers are supposed to view her…
My cleaner is the best money I spend each week. Knowing that the house will get cleaned every single Friday means that I don’t have to worry when someone drops by - the toilets, floors, etc, have all been recently cleaned.
I see shorts of super-short length on adult women, I praise the gods I’m alive.
We want our girls to know they can do anything—climb trees, play football, and reach for the stars. But based on…
Have you ever tried dancing to modern jazz or neolcassicism strings?
Methodology is studying or evaluating different methods of doing something. So if I’m trying to decide how to collect the most accurate data on senior citizens feelings on Social Security and conclude that you should conduct a phone survey, that’s the survey methodology. Actually making the phone calls is the survey…
I use Google Photos on my phone and keep my library in sync automatically by wifi. I keep my photos safe with this method:
I just used Multcloud to transfer my Flickr library to Google Drive. It could not have been more painless.
Unfortunately google are playing bait and switch with opinion rewards. They start off offering you credit for surveys, then stop offering surveys and instead offer you the chance to “answer a few questions” on google maps about the same stuff you used to get surveys for. So you are still getting the surveys for the…
This is a fascinating development to me. I feel like I grew up roughly in parallel with consumer electronics. When I was like five or six, we used a DOS computer. By the time I was 10, we were up to Windows 95. XP landed around high school. Windows 7 just after college. Now that I’ve got a solid start on my career,…
Um? In what world are expensive phones only for enthusiasts? The opposite is almost universally true. The enthusiast community touts the $300-400 Nexuses or the One Pluses as the best-of-the-best. Meanwhile the average phone buyer is picking up a $600+ Galaxy or iPhone. The Galaxy and iPhone lines are consistently the…
I am just addicted to my voice commands on my android phone. Lately me and the girlfriend have been looking at houses for sale. So, we drive through a neighborhood, me driving, and I ask her to look up the sale price of the house on zillow with her iphone. It takes her forever, so I press the button on my phone and…
Personally, I also think that the idea of quick charging is an instance of companies chasing the wrong tech. The only reason there’s consumer demand for quick charging is because we need to charge our phones in the middle of the day. When you plug your phone in at 11PM for the night, no one’s frustrated because their…
So Google Listen is back. Next step: Google Reader.
As opposed to trying to pick apart and tell everyone how smart I am, by pointing out the small details that are wrong with every article ever written, I have put some of these suggestions into action over the last couple weeks. My experience so far is a much happier relationship, go figure!
For me as well. Both my kids just blow me away with how smart and talented they are, but they still lack a lot of maturity.