
I almost like Antics better as an album, although I couldn't articulate why. Both it and Turn On The Bright Lights are fantastic, especially as mainstream gateways into Joy Division.

"The idea of a Chicago police officer with conflicted loyalties has been portrayed before (most notably in Fox’s short-lived but far superior The Chicago Code)"

There's this love of not just Martingale but of her character, which I tie to how some people actually find the real-life incarnation of the motherly petty tyrant scary. Personally I didn't find the character in the slightest bit intimidating (you can imagine that I wasn't exactly the favorite of substitute teachers

I don't agree with any of your comment (although I'll defend in a grimly comical fashion your right to say it!) but I myself nonetheless didn't find Margo Martindale's character intimidating as a villain either.

It "feels even better than the original"? Now, I'm no purist by any stretch of the imagination, in fact I'm an avowed lover of covers—-hell, I think I might like the Vampire Weekend cover of Exit Music better than the original, heathen that I am—-but this version is a pale, pale imitation of the original. It's not

Shhh, don't be giving them ideas! The dark side of internet publishing is seductive enough already without us prodding them.

"the basis of a main character's apparent mild autism in an exaggeration of how Danes perceive Swedes"

In fairness, at least there's a lot more subtitled Spanish than I'd normally expect from a major-network show.

Best part, seemed like Paul made a slight show of it, as if to say "I know that you know you should be suspicious…"

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