
well shit, the director of this was the owner of the local punk club i spent 1938749128734 hours in when i was but a wee little lad. good for him.

Play Time….god, what a movie. more specifically: what an utterly re-watchable movie.

he'll be the Bo Jackson of popular media!

I mean, dude can do whatever he wants with his career, just…

Crackpot Half-Thought-Out TV Fan Thesis: The Ventures Bros. as The Sopranos for beta-males.

Yeah, it was a bit of a dud for me, too. The dialogue wasn't…popping as much as usual (although "Ho, an aristocrat!" had me giggling), and the one-off/side characters seemed a little flatter than usual. Considering those are two of the biggest draws of the show for me, and adding in that the main plot of the season

Monotonix are INCREDIBLE live. My band opened for them about…3 years ago?, it was a middle of the week show in a small city so about 15 people were in the crowd. That didn't stop them from lighting cymbals on fire and encouraging the crowd to lift the drummer/drum set (while playing) in to the air to end the set.

Monotonix are INCREDIBLE live. My band opened for them about…3 years ago?, it was a middle of the week show in a small city so about 15 people were in the crowd. That didn't stop them from lighting cymbals on fire and encouraging the crowd to lift the drummer/drum set (while playing) in to the air to end the set.

This song, this band, incredible shit. I was fortunate enough to see them on their last tour and goddamnit we need more bands like them around. Passionate, energetic, turning a small sweaty room of about 30 people into something almost communal.

This song, this band, incredible shit. I was fortunate enough to see them on their last tour and goddamnit we need more bands like them around. Passionate, energetic, turning a small sweaty room of about 30 people into something almost communal.

Speaking of the Shield…

Speaking of the Shield…

I'd say the scene does a pretty good job of helping you understand Dany's later fuck-infatuation with Daario. Girl be 14, stressed, and horny, and here comes some swaggering blue-haired pirate with naked ladies on his swords. Schwing, and whatnot.

I'd say the scene does a pretty good job of helping you understand Dany's later fuck-infatuation with Daario. Girl be 14, stressed, and horny, and here comes some swaggering blue-haired pirate with naked ladies on his swords. Schwing, and whatnot.

Honestly?: thank god.

Honestly?: thank god.

"That one's fucked up" had me a giggling.

"That one's fucked up" had me a giggling.