Keith martin

If the NFL lost you a long time ago, I’m sure no one has missed you. Mr Gay. Then why comment on an NFL article?

Then those players who don’t want to play will be replaced with players that do. This whole anthem thing is getting way out of hand. You don’t respect our anthem and flag, then move to a country that you would respect their anthem. Don’t let the gate hit you in the butt when you leave the US

I can tell you never served in the military

Then why do you go to football games then? If you don’t like or respect our national anthem, then move to a country that you can respect their anthem. Let’s see you move to Africa or North Korea!

So why don’t you and Kap get all those inmates out of rikers and let them stay at your house

That makes no sense at all

you couldn’t even begin to know what’s it’s like to be a police officer or corrections officer. You’re just a mama’s boy still not living in your mom’s basement

I’m protesting to prevent Colin from attending the next meeting. He has no business being there for he’s not a current nfl player. If he goes, I pray other nfl fans will goes as well! Fair is fair! Maybe tebow and RGIII will attend as well! Kap has no business to even get near the meetings!

Kap is not a current nfl player, he has no business attending the next meeting. Shoot, I should be invited to attend the next meeting as well as other nfl fans. Kap is another American citizen not a current nfl player! I’m starting a petition to keep Kap from attending the next meeting!

Why should Kap attend these meetings, what has changed in our country since he first knelt? Nothing, police involved shootings make up about 1% of black deaths. So he’s kneeling for a 1% problem with black on black crime and deaths is way more than that 1%. These players should stands for the anthem. They all stand

The meeting is for current league players, Kap is not a current player so why should he attend the meeting.

Why didn’t Obama attend the funerals of those slain Dallas police officers? Like he did for Michael Brown?

That is the most ignorant and racists thing I ever read.